Welcome to UK Life Insurance Information. Get the lowdown the insurance industry would rather you didn't know - plus the best quotes in the UK.



Information Guides and Quotes

Getting life insurance is an important step. We're here to help you make an informed choice - using simple, jargon-free language.

Find out whether you really need it. Research what's available. Choose the best type.

We also help you access the best deals - in a market where there are huge differences in price for exactly the same products.




For UK residents and expats

We're constantly researching the websites which currently offer the best deals for each type of insurance.

You can save a lot of time by linking straight to them from here, rather than having to spend hours doing the research yourself.

You'll also save a significant amount of money by avoiding the many overpriced policies that are waiting out there for the unwary.

Each website we've chosen offers quotes on a free, no-obligation basis

Click here for your free quote